Saint-Paul Veterinary Clinic
- Mon. - Fri.: 8:30 AM - 8:00 PM | Saturday: 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM | Sunday & Public Holidays: 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM Emergency Service

- In the heart of Paris, between Bastille and Hôtel de Ville, the Saint-Paul Veterinary Clinic offers you:
- In the heart of Paris, between Bastille and Hôtel de Ville, the Saint-Paul Veterinary Clinic offers you:
- Extended opening hours and an emergency service on Sundays and public holidays.
- 30-minute consultations allowing for a stress-free examination of the animal and attentive listening to the owner.
- A facility that combines comfort and technical expertise for high-quality medical and surgical care.
" Il faut aimer pour soigner "
" It takes love to heal "
Our Values
Independence and Ethics: The animal is our priority.
Our motto ‘One must love to care’ is not just an advertising slogan but a reflection of our truth and commitment. We are an independent veterinary clinic founded by two veterinarians driven by their vocation.
Every day, we give our best for each animal we treat, for every owner who places their trust in us. The care we provide and advice we offer are guided solely by the animal’s best interest, with decisions made in full consultation with the owner.
Each year, the Saint-Paul Veterinary Clinic invests in new equipment and training for its veterinarians and assistants, with a common goal of continuously improving the quality of services offered.
You and us have the same priority: your animal.
The Team
Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire de Lyon
Faculté de médecine et de pharmacie de Lyon
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Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire de Nantes
Faculté de médecine et de pharmacie de Nantes
CEAV de médecine interne
DEA de Biologie du comportement
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Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire d'Alfort
Faculté de médecine et de pharmacie de Créteil
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Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire de Toulouse
Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire d'Alfort
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Your clinic
Make an Appointment at the Saint-Paul Veterinary Clinic
Appointment by Phone
• To schedule a consultation:
By calling us at 01 48 87 85 96, you can immediately explain the reason for your call to the nurse and assess with her the urgency of the animal’s situation and receive immediate advice.
• To schedule a surgery:
Surgery appointments are only made by phone.
The daily surgery schedules are planned according to the surgical time required for each procedure, and the racial or pathological specifics of each patient.
Thus, surgery appointments are made by directly communicating with our team.”
Online Appointments
Online Appointments, Coming Soon
Bookable at any time from the comfort of your home, online appointment scheduling is suitable for non-urgent consultations that you wish to plan in advance.
• 1 slot per animal: if you wish to bring 2 animals at the same time, please reserve 2 consecutive slots so that we have enough time for each.
• Out of respect for other patients, any additional animal not planned for cannot be seen.
Not all slots are open for online booking. If you do not find a suitable time slot, or if you need help assessing the severity of symptoms, do not hesitate to call us to find a suitable time with the nurse.